CategoryData Science

Volumetric display and data visualization : 4 animations for the L3DCube

The L3DCube

The cube falls into the category of volumetric displays, meaning that it can be used to represent 3 dimensional shapes. It is composed of 8*8*8 512 RGB LEDs, namely the very popular WS2812 that you can find in Adafruit’s neopixel product line.

It is sold by a company called Looking glass factory. It is still a product at the kickstarter stage. You can read about the story of its development on this instructable.

They make an 8*8*8 and a 16*16*16 version. The small version will set you back 399$, not something that I can afford. I was able to play for a while with the one from WearHacks. The solution for you can be even more rewarding: build your own! You can start by having a look at these Instructables.
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L3D Cube visualizations Part 1: real-time scatter plot with Thingspeak


Basically a demonstration of the plotting capabilities of the cube. We will retrieve some data from a public thingspeak channel (they correspond to
data points posted by a connected barometer installed in my living room).

The JSON returned by the Thingspeak API is parsed on processing and displayed on the cube. Each serie of data is represented by a 2 voxels thick scatter plot.

The client code on the photon is a variation of the main client: we use the accelerometer data to give the ability to change the plot displayed on the front frames of the cube by tilting it one way or another.

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L3D Cube visualizations Part 2: real-time worldwide weather


We will make use of the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve the temperature from cities around the world and displays the result on the cube. The result is a “real-time” (actually the free API key only gives access to hourly updates) visualization of the earth’s weather.

A Python script is used to select which cities are displayed: we start with a json file provided by OpenWeatherMap that contains every city accessible from the API as well as their ID and coordinates. The json is parsed and casted as a panda dataframe. The latitude and longitude of each city are transformed in voxel coordinates over a sphere of 4 voxel radius. The cities that fall on the same voxel are grouped and a random one is picked up from each group to represent that voxel.

The result is saved in a csv file that is loaded in Processing and used to query the API. The temperatures of each city are then shown on the cube using a gradient of color.

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Make your own data platform for the Internet of Things using Node.js and Express.js


I recently wrote a tutorial explaining how to make a connected barometer in which I used Thingspeak as an endpoint for the data. With the current buzz around the Internet of Things, a lot of similar services popped up : Plotly, the Wolframe data drop, Xively and even IBM Cloud to name a few.

What I find problematic with theses services is that you loose control over your data. What are they used for, what happens if the company closes ? You don’t want to lose your preciously collected data.

One solution is to create your own data platform. This way you keep full control over your database. You can set-up backups and are sure that your digital property wont be used for commercial purposes behind your back.

We will thus be making, a web application using Node.js as a server, Express.js for the framework and MongoDB as the database (the MEAN stack, without the A).
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Python, neural networks and the value of failure

Remember that in my last post about neural networks, I tried (and failed) to replicate the results I obtained in R using Python.

I have been thinking about how I would solve the problem, and frankly I wasn’t eager to spent too much time on such a silly example, especially since I’m not a specialist of the PyBrain module.

The problem is, beside my occasional laziness when it comes to solving problems, I’m also quite stubborn and I don’t like to let things go that easily.

And I realized that it was a great opportunity to write about failure, and how to react when confronted to it.
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Playing around with neural networks – Python version

In my last post I said that I would try to replicate the code in Python. Well here it is.

It is a first attempt, and unfortunately the predictive power of the network thus created is awful (it’s even worst than a random guess…). I need to explore more deeply the options of the module in order to understand where lies the difference between the network created in R and this one.
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Playing around with neural networks and R

I was recently confronted through my work to a classification problem : given a set of explanatory variables, which category a player will most likely end up in (I work in the videogame industry).

To be frank, my statistical knowledge was a little rusty since I have been doing web-dev for a year (unfortunatly stats are not like riding a bike : you do forget after a while). So I ended up doing a quick litterature review in order to list the tools that could help me with this task.

I began with a logistic regression but wasn’t that happy with the accuracy of the result and the implementation was not that easy due to the high volume of data I was dealing with.

Through my readings, I came in contact with various techniques of machine learning and was eager to try them out. I’ve heard about it in the paste but it seemed like a mystical and out of reach corner of computer and information sciences.

And I was wrong. It’s accessible, it works and it’s a lot of fun (well, data-scientist-kinda-fun). What follows is my naive attempt at solving a problem that puzzled me for a while somehow : automatic shape recognition. I mean, how long did it took us as kids to be able to put those damn educational toys into the rightly shaped slot ? Well, quite a long time after all…
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